West Roxbury District Court
The latest field trip we went on was the West Roxbury District Courthouse.  First we went in the juvenile court room where kids have their private hearings. We saw a movie about people hanging around with the wrong friends.  We saw three hearings about people with drugs, people who abused their children and people on probation. Not everyone has to go to jail because they follow the judge's instructions. We saw one inmate who got in trouble for something he put on Facebook!   

  We went downstairs to the jail cells to look at the inmates who were getting picked up by a police truck to go to a prison in Walpole, Middlesex, or Framingham. The jail cells were atrocious because there were no beds, no  privacy, and you had to ask the guard to flush the toilet. We can recommend this tour to all of you, we learned a lot from this experience. We hope that we will never end up there!http://www.mass.gov/courts/courtsandjudges/courts/westroxburydistrictmain.htmlhttp://www.mass.gov/courts/courtsandjudges/courts/westroxburydistrictmain.htmlshapeimage_2_link_0shapeimage_2_link_1